"This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.'" Matthew 15:8Many times, i would always say "I love you God" when i was at church in prayers, but with my actions was another thing, the thing was that my heart was not with God, but in this world, eventhough i went to church, i still wanted to do the things of the world, be like everyone else out there, and like the verse says
"in vain do they worship me" and thats what i was doing, and all was in vain, thats why my life never changed, and there i was complaining why my life was the same? like many do now, they go to church, and think thats it, but its so much more than that. When i decided to really give my whole life, & heart to
God, thats when
All my Life started to change. I started to practice everything that the pastor would preach..etc when my words started being actions.
Because One Action, is worth more than Thousand of Words.
You decide Words or Actions?
Bianca Moctezuma