How many times we see people now a days having to carry with hate for a long time, for someone who once did something to them. Even when being in the church and saying "I believe in God." I know because i used to be One of them, even after being in the church already i still used to have hate towards my dad, eventhough i said "I didnt" & that I forgave him but inside i still couldnt even see him, or get along with him. One thing I know is that if we say we believe in God, doesnt mean we serve Him, because serving God, means serving others, being just like Jesus, because everybody "believes" but don't practice His word. So it was until just 2 yrs ago when i decided to leave eveything in God's hands, i was tired of having to carry with that, i mean having to carry something for a long time is hard isn't it? & i couldn't really live a true Happy Life! I was just hurting myself.
So just forgive, and let all that weight in God's hands. You aren't hurting anyone but YOURSELF!
Bianca Moctezuma
This is so true because the same situation happened to me and it was until I realised that if I carry on holding something against the person, I will live with that burden and that will always be a stumbling block for my future so I chose to let go and because I was willing to show God that I didnt want to be angry with the person now we are getting along so well and in fact its like you let a whole load of weight off your shoulders, ahhhh! Lool x