So for many time i have tried, and couldn't do it for a long time, but then i stopped to THINK! "If i can't accomplish this so simple, how is God going to bless me in Other greater things?" And of course its been hard, I'm not going to lie, i mean getting rid of unhealthy eating habits is harder than you think, because when you see the food like chips, sweets...etc you just want to eat it. But even if i am craving it so bad, i don't eat it! & That's it! I have disciplined myself on this. And it has been working.
Many times we say we cant to do something, doesn't necessary mean losing weight, but accomplishing something you have always wanted, and we are the ones who stop ourselves because if we put on our mind that we Can we will accomplish it, or if we say we Can't then don't expect to accomplish It!I've been working on this for nearly a1 week and 1/2 and i have already lost 2.5 lbs! yay :) and of course nothing like those diets out there where you starve yourself to death lol, but all with Balance. I want to share with you all tips on this, that me, myself has been doing, also i been doing something about this for example exercise, eating healthy, and also searching on the web, ways to lose weight! Because wishing to accomplish something with no actions, doesn't work and then expect something to happen, my friend.
Tips I Found on the web and would like to share with y'all : Enjoy

1. Drink water with lemon: You already know drinking water is good for your overall health, but fitness expert, celebrity trainer, Jackie Warner has a tip to take it up a notch in the weight-loss department. She recommends drinking 3 liters of water with lemon each and every day.
"Adding the lemon helps to detoxify the liver and metabolizes fat, so this can speed up metabolism by about 33 percent," Warner says. "That burns about 100 extra calories per day!"
Bianca Moctezuma
Bi, I'm so happy that you are Challenging yourself! Sometimes the best way to do it is by going public lol. That's sure to be a motivation for you.
ReplyDeleteYou can do it Bi and when you complete it, I'll want to tell your story in my blog ;)
We need more of this. More people who will dare to challenge themselves to change.
Way to go linda!
Thank You Mrs. Rapha!
Delete& I'll be glad to write my story for your blog :)
Yes and this is something i want to change.