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This blog is pretty much about EVERYTHING! Enjoy & Folllow! ;)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday Tips

Tips for losing weight:

White Meat: Compared to red meat, white meat is better for losing weight. Fish and fowl fall under the white meat category.

Cold Water: Cold water can exhaust about sixty to seventy calories when consumed. Prefer cold water at times.

Bianca Moctezuma

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Challenge

So i wanted to share with you all readers, on a Challenge I've been doing for myself, and that is to lose weight, and its not about just looking skinny and thin, but being healthy, and Most IMPORTANT taking care of the Temple Of The Holy Spirit! Yes that's right our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we have to take care of it! and maybe you don't need to lose weight, but you haven't been eating healthy, all you eat is junk food, and its damaging our body. That's why i decided to change that!

So for many time i have tried, and couldn't do it for a long time, but then i stopped to THINK! "If i can't accomplish this so simple, how is God going to bless me in Other greater things?" And of course its been hard, I'm not going to lie, i mean getting rid of unhealthy eating habits is harder than you think, because when you see the food like chips, sweets...etc you just want to eat it. But even if i am craving it so bad, i don't eat it! & That's it! I have disciplined myself on this. And it has been working.
Many times we say we cant to do something, doesn't necessary mean losing weight, but accomplishing something you have always wanted, and we are the ones who stop ourselves because if we put on our mind that we Can we will accomplish it, or if we say we Can't then don't expect to accomplish It!

I've been working on this for nearly a1 week and 1/2 and i have already lost 2.5 lbs! yay :) and of course nothing like those diets out there where you starve yourself to death lol, but all with Balance. I want to share with you all tips on this, that me, myself has been doing, also i been doing something about this for example exercise, eating healthy, and also searching on the web, ways to lose weight! Because wishing to accomplish something with no actions, doesn't work and then expect something to happen, my friend.

Tips I Found on the web and would like to share with y'all : Enjoy

1. Drink water with lemon: You already know drinking water is good for your overall health, but fitness expert, celebrity trainer, Jackie Warner has a tip to take it up a notch in the weight-loss department. She recommends drinking 3 liters of water with lemon each and every day.

"Adding the lemon helps to detoxify the liver and metabolizes fat, so this can speed up metabolism by about 33 percent," Warner says. "That burns about 100 extra calories per day!"

Bianca Moctezuma

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

God's Word

There is many books out there that have been written, and some are good, some bad, but no book is compared to the Bible, which it's God's Word, and its not just like any other book, that you have read, God's Word is so much greater, and let me tell you why i know this, from the books i have read before, nothing has really compared, why? because none of them supply you with what you need, they don't give you hope, they don't comfort you, they don't TRANSFORM your life, God's Word changes you.
Tell me what other book would have the power to help you in just what you need, not what you want to hear!
No OTHER, i am pretty sure about that! Of course i'm not against reading because me, myself i love to read, but i have never been amazed by any other book, you may read the same verse of the Bible, Million of times, but His word always talks to us in a different way. Many love to read other books and don't even get bored and even read them up to 2x or more, but when it comes to the Word of God, they feel lazy, or put excuses like "i don't have time"...etc.

The point is not which book is better, but to which you have paid more ATTENTION to?

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Proverbs 30:5

"God's Word is more precious than anything this world has to offer!"

Bianca Moctezuma

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Most people think that they have to be on there knees and praying all day, but thats not what it means, to be praying without ceasing, is to be praying spiritually, constantly in our mind, thinking about God, at all times. Because many time we don't even have time to get on our knees and pray during the day, but we should always be doing it in our mind. Instead of many times thinking of other things, we have to be connected to God always, if we want to grow spiritually, and that way is easier to listen to God's voice, because if we are thinking about so many things but God we can't really listen to what He talks to us.
And praying constantly isn't just about asking God, what we need, but what He want's from us, because many times we pray to God, for what we need, but we don't bother to ask God what He needs from us.
So have you prayed lately?

Bianca Moctezuma

Monday, January 9, 2012


"Obedience to God, Leads to His Blessings"
Many times, you probably wondered why your life doesn't change, if you always go to church, you say you believe in God...etc? I always wondered the same thing, before i got converted. and let me tell you God is not the problem, Its us we say we believe but we don't obey Him. I would go to church, but my life was the same, and it was all due to my disobedience to God, and would even blame God for everything, but the day i gave my whole life, and giving our life is obeying His word, that's when i started seeing so many Blessings in my life, not just material blessings, but Spiritual Blessings. & still Receiving.
Its like parents if there kids don't obey then they don't receive anything from them, the same is with God, if we don't obey then we don't have a right to His Blessings.
Only those who Obey him are His children.
If we don't obey then why should we be complaining!
Have you obeyed lately?

Bianca Moctezuma

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Be Diciplined

One of the hardest things for me is waking up early, since i go to sleep late at night, and its has been one of the things i have been working towards, not that i wake up at 10 or 12, but i usually wake up at 8:30, and this past 2 weeks i had to wake up at 7:15, but since then i have noticed that i get more things done, and have more energy then if i wake later, and i have more time to do things i havent been able to do, and ofcourse now i finish earlier, and can go to sleep earlier, but this used to be a bad habit i had, stay up late until i finished doing what i had to do but now i fifgured out why was that reason, and of course doing the hardest things first make the day easier, because you don't have to be worrying about it later, then the least hardest for last.
My day has been more efficient, but all with God's help, since the year began i started reading the Bible every morning, and asking directions from God for my life, and it really works, because if you read it in the morning, you could meditate through out the whole day, and as if at night before bed, well you just fall asleep and probably forget, i know because it has happened to me.

"Sacrifice is hard, but at the end the reward is greater."

Bianca MoctezumaItalic

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

They Way We Speak

Did you know they many times we don't notice the way we speak, and it has to do alot about how our attitude is at the moment, by the tone we use. And many times i don't notice it, and this is something i am working on to ba an example. Watching the tone of my voice, as i speak. Because i don't speak bad things, its just the tone i use. Because how are people who aren't of God, want to be like us, if when they hear us talk, our words are not gracious. We have to be gracious in the way we speak, which also says alot about us, specially when we are in public, because thats where we have to be an example of Jesus!

"Its Not What You Say, But How You Say It"

".....so we speak, not to please men, but to please God who tests our hearts." 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Bianca Moctezuma

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Start At Home

Being continued from yesterday, what i decided to do to be an example, is to do things at my house, before being asked to, many times i forget or don't have "time", but i was able to manage my time well, and not just waste with things i don't need to do, i did the most important things first then leave for later things that aren't important. I wanted to work on this because, thats were being an example starts, because if at our home we can't be an example, we surely can't be an example anywhere else even if we try there will be times that it won't come out right. Also one of the things im doing is reading the Bible every morning, and ask God for direction, and then write on my blog, which used to be something hard for me, because of time management, but im changing that! And for me thats not being an example, for you it might be a different thing, but for me its specially that because if i don't get something done, i have to be told, and i want to do it before being asked. And not doing it for man, but for God! So i will continue doing something to be an example, and things i need to change..... Because since we gave our life to God, people are always looking at wht we do not just outside in the world, but at home or church also.

"so that you became an example to all......." 1 Thessalonians 1:7

Bianca Moctezuma

Monday, January 2, 2012

Be an Example.

"Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer every one" Colossians 4:5-6

As i was reading the Bible this morning this verse caught my attention, its very strong because its talking about being an exaple toward outsiders and its the best thing to do since a new year has begun, probably in the year 2011, we didnt really pay attention to this, or we just wasted time. But its not too late to start, and be an example towards those who don't know us, and even more to those who do, so they can see a diffrenece in us, by our speech, our way of being...etc. And ofcourse all with the wisdom of God, because we can't do it by ourselves without God's help. If we ask God for help he will surely help us, be an example to those who are lost, and those who aren't of Him yet, also. :)

Dear Readers, I want to challenge y'all to do something for someone else this whole week. Something that you have never done towards someone else, something kind, that shows our sincerity, and to exhale God's perfume! Being a True Example of God! It can be at Home, Work, School, Church, or anywhere else.

I will be posting here everyday, something that i would be doing myself. Enjoy!

An action can influence someone else wether its bad or good, but lets save souls through our good actions!

To be continued.......

Bianca Moctezuma